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  • M.Eng Robotics - University of Maryland(College Park) 2020

  • B.Tech Mechatronics Eng - SRM University 2018

  • Passionate about Autonomous Systems

  • Career Interest - Perception, Computer Vision, ML, DL



Perception for Autonomous systems

Planning for Autonomous Systems

8-Puzzle solver using brute force - Source Code

A* and Dijkstra implementation on Point and rigid robot - Source Code

Turtle Bot - Vrep - A* - Video

ORCA implementation - Source Code

Software Development for Robotics

Segregator - Output Video    - SourceCode

Turtle Bot Simulation(Simple obstacle avoidance) - Output Video

Human Detection for a Mobile Robot - Source Code

Geometric Vision and Deep learning

Filter Building - Source Code

Network Analysis - Source Code

Panorama Stitching - Deep learning, Approach Traditional 

Face Recognition and Swapping - Output Video 1 Output Video 2  - Source Code

Structure From Motion (SFM)​ - Deep learning ApproachTraditional Approach

Machine Learning

Bayes Classification - Source Code

KNN classification on Fashin MNIST Dataset - Source Code

SVM Classification - Source Code

ResNet on Fashion MNIST - Source Code

Robot Modelling

Non- Spherical Manipulator - Output Video

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